Sunday, March 11


Today was a really nice day!
It was 'warm' :P t least for winter weather....and best of ALL..
It was quite sunny!
The sun make me makes me sing, smile and skip and hop...
I am 100% sure I was not made for the cold weathers..
I know I've said I want a bright pink blazer..but let's rephrase.
I.WANT.AN.ORANGE.BLAZER. Like now! To wear in this sunny weather.
To remind me of the sun when its all cold and rainy.
Besides orange perfectly complements those with an olive undertone and those of us that are brunettes.
So don't be shy.
Grab a nice tone of orange to make your day POP!

Olivia Palermo
Whitney Port


  1. And I'm dying for a hot pink blazer!!

  2. Actually me too! But I'm doubting...not sure..maybe I'll get both! :P
