Tuesday, July 19

For Vareshka..with love, Vany2ah

Vareshka is my dear sister....my only loving sister...hardworking asskicking sister (in a good way though). So Vary, as we call her, is a grown woman  but not one of those boring soccermoms, noh our Vareshka is stylish. Ask anyone who knows us. As a former model she is stil skinny, with baby and all, and no we don't hate her! She, well she is our hero our stylish bigger sister! But hey I'm heavier so no raiding her closet, anymore! :P

As any working chick knows one needs to worry about their presentation. No marketeer or lawyer or whoever will take you seriously if you do not look the part. And great first impressions are a better set of assets than a million great efforts to reconcile with others memories.

I am in no way saying, that being smart isn't better, I just like to look the part. I dream of being a savvy and cutely dressed Marketing Manager. Or the best PR girl you can think of, that always has her stuff covered.  Oh my I'm stealing Vareshka's thunder :P whoops...

Well the deal is, I saw this look book and even though she has her act together, some tips never fail! So Var jump on my train!

Now do you still think Ann Taylor is for grannies? :P What do you think Vareshka?

Feel free to comment ;) Hasta la vista babes!


  1. Nice words towards siter, I must say: you2 R lucky to have each other.

  2. Yes indeed! She knows I overstuff her with love:P Thanks for checking out the blog!

  3. Love that colorblock top! Actually, I saw that F21 has a similar one too. and obviously, the price is probably 20% cheaper. ;)

  4. Yeah...only sometimes the stuff from F21 is kinda see-through but sheer is in so who cares...
